Sunday, November 30, 2008

LAT: Obama's strong-willed national security team

With Clinton as secretary of State, retired Marine Gen. James Jones Jr. as national security advisor and Gates remaining in Defense, Obama will have a choice among often starkly differing views.  [more in Comments]

NYT: Rational Recovery Recommendation

There is an emerging consensus among economists that a big — very big — stimulus is needed, at least $600 billion to $1 trillion over two years. Mr. Obama’s announced goal of 2.5 million new jobs by 2011 is too modest. In the next two years, almost four million workers will enter the labor force — or would if there were jobs. [ more in Comments ]

Saturday, November 29, 2008

NYT Krugman: Lest We Forget

One senior policy maker asked, “Why didn’t we see this coming?” There was, of course, only one thing to say in reply, so I said it: “What do you mean ‘we,’ white man?”.... Some people say that the current crisis is unprecedented, but the truth is that there were plenty of precedents, some of them of very recent vintage.
[ continued in Comments ]

Friday, November 28, 2008

UK: Barack Obama facing his first defeat as Sarah Palin hits Georgia campaign trail

Besides Obama's radio endorsement, Bill Clinton and Al Gore have already campaigned in Georgia for Martin. John McCain and Mike Huckabee have similarly weighed in on behalf of Chambliss. But the big one comes this weekend when Sarah Palin flies in for a fundraiser on Sunday night, followed by a barnstorming tour of the state on Monday, eve of poll.

India reels over Obama’s silence. - India paper

"Silence from Chicago."

India reels over Obama’s silence.

[ Much good context about diplomacy in India / Afganistan area. ]

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Good Foreign News Sources


    Scroll down to the "What's New" column on the left sidebar.

    Sources from Emjay:  -- and go to CNBC or PBS or DW (German)


  3. The

  4. (This one gives the political leanings and/or ownership of each publication.)

    These six total are the best gateways; the JournalismNet site has many more listed in its overview