Monday, December 1, 2008

NYT: A Generation of Local TV Anchors Is Signing Off

Slightly more than half of the population watches local news regularly, according to the Pew Research Center for People and the Press, while only 34 percent read a newspaper each day and 29 percent watch a network evening newscast.

But the ratings for the broadcasts have gradually eroded over the years. The typical late newscast now reaches 12 percent of viewers watching TV in a given market, down from 21 percent 10 years ago.

More at:

1 comment:

blue said...

A lot of USA media are lately outsourcing reporting jobs to local journalists overseas. Recent reporting from Mumbai was particularly effective partly because the on camera person was not so terribly concerned with hairstyles, but more interested in what was going on. It will be a relief to get over some of the egregious "Show Business" in what passes for news these days.